The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) isa world-leading centre of excellence that provides cutting-edge measurementscience, engineering and technology to underpin prosperity and quality of lifein the UK. Find out more about what it is like working here - The measure of us - Overview
NPL and DSIT have strongcommitments to diversity and equality of opportunity, and welcome applicationsfrom candidates irrespective of their background, gender, race, sexualorientation, religion, or age, providing they meet the required criteria. Applicationsfrom women, disabled and black, Asian and minority ethnic candidates inparticular are encouraged. All disabled candidates (as defined by the EqualityAct 2010) who satisfy the minimum criteria for the role will be guaranteed aninterview under the Disability Confident Scheme.
At NPL, we believe our success is a resultof the diversity and talent of our people. We strive to nurture andrespect individuals to ensure everyone feels valued by treating everyone on thebasis of their own individual merits and abilities regardless of their own orperceived identity, as part of our commitment to diversity & inclusion, weensure we’re creating an environment where all our colleagues feel supportedand welcome. More about this on our Diversity & Inclusion page.
We are committed to the health and well-being of ouremployees. Flexible working and social activities are embedded in our cultureto create a positive work-life balance, along with a broad range of rewards,benefits and recognition. Ourvalues are at the heart of what we do, andthey shape the way we interact, develop our people and celebratesuccess. To ensure everyone has an equal chance, we’re always willing tomake reasonable adjustments to the recruitment process. If you would like todiscuss, please contact us.